Onio Viz
Real Prototyping
OnioMax uses design thinking to create user-centred prototypes to establish the veracity of a design. OnioMax creates prototypes which greatly improve the design, prevent errors and incorrect assumptions. This helps in “failing early and saving costs later”. OnioMax also offers rapid prototyping services which help companies achieve faster time-to-market.
Virtual Prototyping
With deep-rooted experience in design research, product design and engineering, OnioViz provides virtual prototyping services for products across all categories. OnioViz also enhances the initial product idea and ensures that the risk of failure is greatly minimised before any substantial investments are made. OnioViz also offers its strong network of vendors and markets which clients can benefit from.
Rapid Prototyping
Complex, high technology products demand prototypes which go beyond mere hand-made workshop prototypes. Rapid prototyping offers precise output, greater accuracy and delivers higher detailing. In a tightly-controlled NPD project, where deadlines are key, RPT is the answer for all your prototyping challenges.
With rich experience of having built thousands of real and virtual prototypes, Onio is in the position to understand exact client requirements and deliver rapid prototypes to suit demanding industry requirements. Onio’s RPT assistance helps better management of the corrective process and helps accelerate your NPD projects.
Strategic visualization & simulation
Investor Presentation
Beyond the usual marketing and financial presentations, what wins investor confidence is the visual of the product idea. OnioViz helps simulate the product, usage and its environment to demonstrate the look-and-feel of the idea. This is a stage that wins the investor confidence and is critical to business planning & fund raising objectives.
Scenario Visualization
Using extensive trend research, insights mapping and proprietary design research models Onio helps bring to life the complete visualisation of a product / service / environment. The outcome of many research projects is a textual report. Onio goes beyond conventional reporting & documentation into visualisation and simulation to deliver a true-to-life picture of the research outcome. Visuals bring instant clarity and help win confidence at the highest decision-making levels.
Idea Visualization
OnioViz helps innovators create visualisations of their concept ideas which go beyond mere virtual prototyping. Taking the "concept-to-completion" approach, OnioViz helps create visualise the product idea through a digital simulation of product usage environment, user interaction and highlighting the product USPs.